Originally Posted by Old Paths
Not necessarily speaking for Elder Epley, but..
Tired as in tired of so called Apostolic folks defending trinity doctrine.
Tired as in tired of so called Apostolic folks bashing ANY standard that an Apostolic pastor preaches.
Tired as in tired of so called Apostolics bashing a pastor in a New York second, but at the same time revere church hoppers and reprobates.
Tired as in tired of hearing so called Apostolics praise the TBN crowd for their wonderful spirit while over looking their perverted life styles.
Yeah it makes my Tired Hurt.
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Yep that kind of tired.
Jakes-Osteen-Hinn-etc. celebrated to the moon and the majority of Apostolic preachers placed on the level is Osama. It is tiring.
Tired... yes that is most definately the word.