Originally Posted by Jekyll
Ferd! You have gotten it! Thank you for your input.
Again, I marvel when I think of the heros of the Bible that were able to hear God's voice and act. But how about the people that followed them, trusted them, and obeyed them?
How about those who didn't? Korah was swallowed up. Ananias and Sapphira were pegged. Noah's generation was lost. Miriam got leprosy. The Jewish rulers of the day killed the King of Glory (which, in turn, provided a way of salvation to humanity). The seven churches were perishing and didn't have an ear to hear. Israel turned themselves away from the prophets and went into captivity.
Saul didn't hear Samuel, but he was ready willing and able to listen to a lying devil. Balaam didn't hear God, but he listened to a donkey.
There are many types that come from Abraham's obedience to sacrifice Isaac. But Abraham the human being...was seconds away from killing his promise because God requested it.
I would agree with you about the courage to follow the voice of God. Someone comparing a woman who killed her kids is a pretty stupid leap.
However...how does this apply to Lee Stoneking and his message? Lee Stoneking said some outrageous stuff wherein he was making an attempt to form a compelling argument for a belief that some/most already believe is biblical. I believe he said those things simply to enflame the masses.
For what? What on earth is the context for him to say that "our" woman should take out their bobby pins and dance while waving their hair in a circle to touch the throne because a demon possessed women does it and has black supernatural power.
Am I missing something here? The abstract idea may have validity, however in its application, I think it is like trying to toss a bowling ball into a thimble.