Originally Posted by Praxeas
Watches are jewelry given the above def. as well as any ornament for personal adornment.
Watches do have a purpose. They tell us the time. However, any other extra stuff, (rings, bracelets, scarves, neckties, earrings, noserings), are strictly ornamental. Years ago a cloth tied around one's neck had a purpose when it was used for wiping the mouth. Since neckties are no longer used for wiping the mouth, face, nose, etc they serve no useful purpose and are strictly ornamental.
As someone has stated,
1 Peter 3:3-6 does not condemn the combing and styling of hair, the wearing of ornaments, or the wearing of clothing/apparel. Instead it places the emphasis on the inner person and having the adornment of a quiet (calm/peaceful) and gentle spirit. Abraham's wife, Sarah, is given as an example. We are not told how she dressed.
1 Timothy 2:9-10 speaks of a person's real distinguishing characteristics such as moderation and good works in contrast to outward style such as gold, pearls, expensive clothing. In other words, is the person defined by the merely outward secondary things such as clothing and hair styles or by an attitude of loving and serving?