Originally Posted by chosenbyone
Our country created many more terrorists by invading Iraq! Our actions seemed to only ignite their passion for committing retaliatory acts against our troops.
It is a fact that not all detainees were involved in a terrorists group...they were just at the wrong place and wrong time or they were "sold out" by the warlords in order for them to make some cash.
What about the innocent men who languished in those prisons for years without a trial or conviction?
If they would cooperate with the military they would be freed much sooner. Unfortunately, war is a necessary function of our fallen world, to prevent the bad guys from taken over.
The US record in Japan and Germany produced good results and restored those countries to their own governance. If the fools in the media and congress had the intelligence of our past leaders Iraq would be well on its way to being restored. Treason is fashionable these days.