Originally Posted by CC1
Of course the UPCers who started AFF wanted it to be from an orthodox viewpoint with dissenters chiming in. That is and was no secret.
This was always supposed to be aforum coming from the Orthodox old time Oneness Pentecostal perspective but one that allowed discussion of that orthodoxy in an open manner.
Now HERE is where we disagree vehemently.
This forum was founded with the idea the discussion was to be rigged and anything that the gang in charge didn't like would be censored under "preacher bashing."
That "doctrinal" statement sounds like the original FCF and we KNOW this forum wasn't anything like that one.
That willingness to allow open discussion was based on the assumption of maturity in the posters and that they would do so in a respectful manner.
When the orthodoxy got trashed in a crude manner repeatedly and without restraint of course they abandoned the place.
Now HERE is where I think you're living in a dream world.
They "abandoned the place" when they realized that trying to rig the board and promote their agenda with censorhip and heavy-handed moderating wouldn't work.
Orthodoxy wasn't "trashed in a crude manner" any more here than on FCF.
People who couldn't meet the arguments got frustrated and LABELED it trashing.
AND this "crude manner" stuff applied to the cons moreso than the reprobates and heathens.
If you are honest with yourself you KNOW that.
Dan posts a bit more than some.
But to blame him for "singlehandedly" destroying a forum and running off a bunch of good people who otherwise would have kissed the liberals on the cheek every morning is laughable, absurd, comical and the biggest myth I've ever heard in over four years of posting and reading pentecostal-themed message boards.