Originally Posted by CC1
If it makes you feel better to deny that poor judgement and a lack of wisdom in posting for the most part blew things up here then go for it. The truth is still the truth.
A little maturity in how one posts their views and a little respect for differing views is what kept FCF, NFCF and AFF going with that elusive dynamic I so miss.
All it took was some Johnny come lately's ( or mostly singular - A Johnny come lately) to come here with guns blazing with crude, rude words to make the more conservative leave in disgust.
It is silly to say they couldn't stand the heat and the other such garbage I see posted. They just could not stand the way in which the discussion was being handled with what they consider precioius truth being trashed in an insensitive way.
No one disagrees more with cons and ultra cons that I do but I and many more libs managed to have intelligent discourse and friendships with them on these forums. It can be done.
I wish this whole subject had not come up again because it disgusts me. A lot of good people were run off because of just plain stupidity and imaturity in posting.
Excellent appraisal and spot on!
I'm with you Bro!