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Old 05-16-2008, 01:34 PM
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ChristopherHall ChristopherHall is offline
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
This is not a good argument for allowing about 3% of the population to change our entire cultural norm or get special rights. Gays already have the same rights you and I have. They can enter into a marriage covenant with someone of the opposite sex. They often do to.
Two generations ago your statement would have sounded like this….

This is not a good argument for allowing about 3% of the population to change our entire cultural norm to get special rights. Blacks and whites already have the same rights you and I have. They can enter into a marriage covenant with someone of the same race. They often do!

It’s not about “allowing” them to change a norm. It’s about constitutionality. The state constitution of California, according to the court, doesn’t grant the state power to restrict the issuance of marriage licenses to two adults of the same gender. We are a nation of laws and due process not preference, opinion, or norms. Here in Ohio, our court couldn’t make such a ruling because our State Constitution was amended to clearly restrict “marriage” to the legal union of one man and one woman. It’s a constitutional issue. The people of California and their elected representatives can pass an Amendment to the state constitution to essentially override the court and ban gay “marriage”.

Interestingly the only way to resolve this is to have each state pass marriage amendment to their respective constitutions or pass an Amendment to the US Constitution specifying that marriage is strictly limited to one man and one woman. Sadly, no candidate appears to support the idea nor is there significant enough grass roots momentum to energize such an idea.

Until marriage is constitutionally protected on the state or federal levels there is no way to legally stop them if challenged in court.

I spend very little of my time trying to control others. We live in a free country and since we spend far more time politicking than ministering. With all the money and effort put toward politicking in our efforts to control the private lives of private citizens…how many more hospitals could have been built? Homeless shelters? Crisis Pregnancy centers? Food pantries? Clothing closets? Churches to save souls?

Jesus sent us to serve this fallen wicked people…not to control them. We are salt and light in this world, not through our efforts to govern and control…but through our being servants to our fellow man. You wanna do something about homosexuality in our country??? Volunteer at an AIDS hospice and wash the feet of dying sinners.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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