Originally Posted by rkentsmith
It would appear Dan that theirs is the origonal position and they might feel quite similiarly to you........
I am certain they feel that the other side has found ways to explain it away.....
And no doubt they feel that they would be left alone.....
Now I agree with you before you say it....mailing you a book is not leaving you alone......
But that side does offer a more substantive position on the television issue than "the souls"
But then your side has Mark Hamby to hold up and say this is our success story
These brothers have been around long enough to want to avoid the guaranteed fallout that another Hamby debacle will prompt
If you are going to mention Hanby. Please spell it right it is not Hamby but "Hanby".
Where might Mark Hanby, Kenneth Phillips and the UPCI be today?
They would have been within 6 months of TBN starting a network.
We mock TBN while the men of the UPCI had zero vision.
Hanby and others were ousted before any of their sins.
There have been many UPCI ministers that fell into the same sins.
They were not involved in the idea of TV.
We will never know what might have been because 33 years later the UPCI, though wearing different style suits still talk the same old retoric....
I wonder how many of the men who will vote against TV this time around, would turn down a chance to be headlined on TBN next Sunday.
For the record some would.
And they would miss a chance to be heard.
Because they care more about cause than effect.
Nathan Eckstadt