Originally Posted by Ferd
jaxfam, it really depends on who you talk to.
some believe that the saved WILL manifest these things. In other words, they beleive that you are saved at that moment of faith and the saved will be baptized in Jesus name as a public profession of their salvic experience, and they will speak with new tongues.
others believe that one is saved when they have that moment of faith, and it doesnt matter wheither they are baptized or not or if they are baptized in the titles. it doesnt matter. These still baptize in the name of Jesus and their churches are pentecostal in experience ie. worship and spirit filled.
Honestly it really depends on who you are talking to.
the One Step view is a very broad term.
Missed this one first...good post here too. I fall in the area of the saved WILL manifest the things Acts states, but not I am not a hard liner on that either. That is just my experience with it all.
The term 'One Stepper' can be very broad as you pointed out. There are the famous once saved always saved people and then there are the lose your salvation around every corner type. If God is looking for a clean and pure people to me that tells me a sinless people. That ain't once saved always saved, to me. I ain't OSAS either. You have brougth light to a good point here Ferdinand!