Originally Posted by pelathais
The "Org. continue as a force in the church?"
"The Org." was a "force in the church?" I used to dream of helping in some small way to make that true, but I know of no time when it could really be said to have been "a force." Maybe a "footnote" or perhaps a "parallel stream" at times.
My viewpoint today is that "the Org." at its best, felt the powerful force of "the church..." But I don't really think the UPC has ever yet been "a force" impacting our larger society and helping to mold and shape the destiny of nations the way "the church" has.
The UPCI has been used by God to lead millions (maybe tens of millions?)into the infilling of the Holy Ghost/baptism in Jesus' name since its inception 63 years ago. If you don't consider that
a force, but rather
"a footnote", I have to seriously question your knowledge and judgment concerning the UPCI's impact.
Originally Posted by mizpeh
The church is the body of Christ. The body of Christ are those who have been baptized by the Spirit and made to drink of the Spirit. 1 Cor 12:13.
Pelathais, who is "the church" you have in quotes? The RCC?
I was wondering the same thing, Mizpeh. How exactly does he define the church? I define the church as those filled with His Spirit and baptized into His name, but Pelathais seems to define the church quite differently.