Re: Masculine or Feminine?
If long hair means uncut then why can't men have their hair to their shoulder blades and trim it? I think a lot of this becomes like the Pharisees and Sadducees getting so bent out of shape when Jesus healed on the Sabbath. We worry too much about the specifics and miss the whole point. Point here is that men should look like men and desire to look like men in their hearts, and the same goes for women. I think we are missing the whole point Paul was trying to make. If we are rebellious in our actions and hearts then that would be wrong. Why would he talk about the hierarchy through this whole chunk of chapter if he only cared about the hair? Why wouldn't he have used some other word to specifically say that it should be totally uncut? Let's face it, when we see a lesbian walk down the mall with a butched haircut and a butch outfit we all know what she is trying to do. I can't see God sending someone to hell over this, especially if in their heart they desire to please and serve him. Isn't that rightly dividing the word of truth?