Originally Posted by BrotherEastman
When someone's character supports Homosexuality "civil unions" and abortions, I would say their character shows through pretty loud and clear, Christopher seems to be missing the point by trying to make a bunch of rhetoric. It's what I call smoke screening for one who is supposed to be Godly, but in reality isn't. I do agree with him on one point, McCain really isn't the answer either, but thats no reason to embrace someone who supposedly has the answer to his needs.
McCain, Obama and Clinton are pretty much on the same page on same-sex marriage. The only difference I see is that Obama doesn't flip flop on the subject like McCain and Clinton.
The web has many videos of McCain, who is more liberal than many Democrats, stating one minute he was for same-sex marriage and then turns around and states that he was for some sort of legal union.
Obama never stated he was for same-sex marriage, but unions just like your man McCain.