Originally Posted by mizpeh
Doesn't that mean you're Trinitarian as well?
I guess I put all Trinitarian Pentecostals in the same lump! What makes an Open Bible Church any different from the AoG?
Ooops, sorry. I didn't see the question until now.
The OBC, from what I can tell, is pretty laid back and from what I'm told is fairly hill billy and backwards in some respects. Not alot of vision and their biggest church is 1000 I think. The only reason I'm attracted to them is that our region is very progressive and trying to turn the ship around (which is attainable since it has all the big churches and all the money). But really the biggest draw for me is the chance to work w/my OBC pastor and to maybe realize my dream/passion of starting an emergent type Pentecostal church. I've come to really respect my pastor and I want to work for him. If it helps him that I get licensed then that's cool w/me.
My impression and personal experience w/the AoG is that it's a highly politicized environment that is very strong on its AoG traditions. I'm not too much down w/all that. Plus, did I mention the haircut and goatee thing?