Music Repertoire
I'm trying to build up a repertoire of ensemble music for different areas of service...for instance:
Altar -
Stay In the Race
Come Holy Spirit (Oh How We Need You)
[Lord] Make Me Over
Prayer -
He Will Carry You
Beginning of Service -
The Presence of the Lord Is Here
Come Into This House (Magnify the Lord)
Praise & Worship
Blessed Be Your Name
This Is How We Overcome
I Can't Thank Him Enough
(beyond your basic hymns or choruses)
What songs do you use most often? What are some of your favorites?
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road