Originally Posted by Dan'D
You must remember UPC left the Tulsa 6, not the other way around. Think about all the changes that have gone on in the UPC over the last 10 - 15 years if it had happen all at one time every person at that church would leave. But because it has happen over a period of time we don't think about it.
The Bible and what God expect from us has not changed but churches have changed.
The Tulse 6 has a great following and there belief is grounded in the Bible. Over the period of time a lot of you will be eating your own words.
The UPC is not meant to be the spiritual leaders of the churches as much as organizational leaders. Each Pastor must lead his own church. Bro Haney will not answer to god about the church I attend. My pastor will answer to God regarding the church I attend. This is how it was meant to be. This is bible God chose my pastor to lead my church. Bro Haney was voted in. The resolution was voted in. Each pastor has the obligation to determined what is right for his church. He must answer to God for that.
I have spoke with many of saint that say a good percentage of the people in there church have a TV in there home. The reason is the Pastor has not felt that is was that important. AS well as other standards. The UPC has changed and it would take a blind person not to see that.
So again I say ”the UPC left us.”
I believe in the power of the local church, and that God's church is not necessarily a hierarchical organization. However, I would like to discuss a couple of points you made which I believe undermine your position.
1. Your pastor, unless he started the church or inherited it from his father or father-in-law, was
elected. Did God choose him, or did the church board and members? In a HG filled church they should work together. Would you be willing to show how a church board and members are more in tuned with the purposes of God than God called preachers?
I wonder.
2. Show me where pastors are the final arbitor in all things.