Originally Posted by Dan'D
I don’t believe just having TV in your home makes you a backslider by it self.
Unless your pastor preaches against it? If not, he should. If your pastor don’t allow his ministers to have a TV yet for anyone else its OK, Why. What is the difference?
I was taught that the reason to have a Platform standard is to be an example. What does being an example mean.
Does the ministers serve a different God that requires less.
Jesus was our example and we need to be more like him.
But beyond that why would you bring such a thing into your home?
Even if my pastor did not preach against it, I would not allow it in my home if for no other reason it’s a waist of time and I would not want to influence my kids or even myself with it. The commercials by its self has no right in a Godly mans home. Let alone the other programs.
In stead of asking ourselves why not have a TV the question should be Why would we?
Me and my family would never have time to watch it if we had one.
I love news and on XM radio I get my fill. Fox new and all.
How do you get past the filth on the satellite radio??? Oh...I see, you probably CONTROL the station right? Hmmm, I wish TV would do that instead of FORCING me to leave it on "Baywatch" (tic)
I would ask myself, why would I want a satellite radio as a christian and all, because of all the britney music, sex channel, homo channels, worldly sports, and Howard Stern (if its sirius--btw, they are joining companies if it passes congress)