Originally Posted by Aquila
Bro. They made it clear. I'm not a Christian. I'm not a real Apostolic. I'm trash because I don't agree with them politically. That's fine. I've tried to show why, as a Christian, I feel the other side can reduce abortion and address some very important issues. But the more I try to make my case the more they brow beat me. I'm tired of trying to prove that I'm still a Christian who loves Jesus as much as they do just because I disagree with them. They don't believe I'm an Apostolic, fine. I'm tired of fighting. My job got moved overseas and now I got a new one and can barely make it by. In a couple years I don' tthink my family will hhave helath insurance. And no body cares. No body cares. No body cares. If I was an unborn baby they'd care. If my son was an unborn baby they'd care. But I'm not so I'm expendable, my family is expendable. As long as they get their precious tax cuts. My church wont help us pay oru medical bills. The only one's even acting like they care are the Democrats. And my brothers don't think I'm a Christian on top of this. I'm tired of even trying to show them I'm a Christian too. I'll just agree with them. I'm not a Christian. And because I'm going to vote democratic, I'm not a real Apostolic either. And you know what. They don't care. Their going to be happy I'm lost, becuase I didn't agree with their rightwing extremist politics.
I may strongly disagree with you on your position and the reason that I debate a bit is that ideas do have consequences. You maybe completely in error, in my opinion, but I leave your regeneration with you and God. I may have missed the posts but I don't see where you have to prove your Christianity to this forum.
As far as not getting any help from your congregation, if it is as you state they may be the ones that are not allowing their espoused Christianity to show. I know the congregation that I'm a part of just recently helped pay for a member's operation so I know they are out there. You should not judge the truthfulness of Christianity by it's alleged followers.