"What I'm saying next may be controversial, but your pastor can handle it after I 'm gone" he then proceeded to tell how some one broadcast one of his conferences where he was was talking about his death experience (on New Zealand TV) and when he went there was no small stir, his conference ther was packed, and he was interviewed on a TBN live talk radio show. He wasn't bothered at all about the TV issue, in fact he also said that were so restrained by political issues that we're not letting the Holy Ghost lead us.
This was at the "singles" conference in Visalia, Ca Fri and Sat.
On another note there wasn't as many people there as before, other times the pews were packed and the folding chairs in the aisles were full too, this year the aisle seats were empty and there was lots of space in the pews. I wonder if some of the Fresno pullouts didn't allow thier people to go, oh well, thier loss cause it was a great Holy Ghost time. One of the little kid's from my church recieved the Holy Ghost in the kid's service, and we had a message in tongues in the main svc Sat nite.
Gotta get ready for church now, before I lag too much. Bro Garza is ministering here tonite.