Originally Posted by scotty
All that was just what it looked like, a whole lot of talk with very little substance....matter of fact it looks alot like something I saw on a liberal website...you wouldn't be a fellow copy paster would you..?
Yes, but it was from a .pdf document I had downloaded to study. You say these measures have very little substance...BUT in Europe they have similar measures in countries like the Netherlands, and they have the lowest abortion rate on earth even though abortion is legal in their countries.
Abortion isn't going away in America. It's here to stay. Even if we voted in Republican after Republican and stacked the entire court with conservative justices they will decide on the side of choice. That's just the way it is. No democratic nation has outlawed abortion after making it legal. This is a loosing battle. And even IF a miracle happened and we banned abortion today...tomorrow we would face a tidal wave of challenges and legal battles until they win choice back. The war will never end. Meanwhile why we're fighting over how abortion is defined on paper, the abortion rate doesn't change....or worse...it climbs. If the Netherlands and other Western European countries can implement measures such as these and lower their abortion rates to the lowest in the world...why can't we? I'll tell you why...those who say they're pro-life really don't care about life...they care about winning a political battle. That's all. For them it's just politics. That's why when someone says their pro-life...but they don't believe in covering these families with health insurance, or they don't believe in measures that will reduce the abortion rate, I'm not impressed. I realize to them it's all about what it says on paper. They're not willing to go beyond the debate to do what needs to be done. Newsflash...these measures would be needed even IF abortion were banned because the abortion rate would NOT decrease on it's own. For example TODAY the abortion rate in America is LOWER than it was when abortion was ILLEGAL. Yes...today there is less abortion than in the late 60's early 70's...and abortion is legal. We have to graduate and grow beyond the debate and come together to reduce the abortion rates even more.
Why can't we have the right as citizens to determine ourselves whether or not we want Universal Health Care? How about we put that on the ballot in November. Wouldn't that be the fair thing to do? Majority rules. Why should the government have free reign to tax me for things I don't want.?
Why don't more of us just choose not to pay for health insurance and jack up your premiums a little more? We'd save a buck and you'd pay more. In a universal health care system everyone would pay something into the system. Why do you want to pay more in premiums for someone who's paying nothing into the system instead of everyone paying less in taxes with negotiated perscription costs in universal coverage? Why do you think it's fair that millions of Americans choose not to have health insurance and so we who do have to pay extra in inflated premiums to pay their bills for them? Hey...you're paying more right now. If everyone paid into a system with negotiated prices it wouldn't cost as much as what we're paying now.