This Is Long...but Powerful
This was posted on another forum.....
I am third generation United Pentecostal. My Grandfather (who is now deceased), my Dad (who is 83 and still licensed and preaching the Gospel), numerous Uncles, Aunts, & cousins on both my Dad and Mother's side, either are or have been licensed pastors, ministers, evangelists, District Officials and District Board Members, etc. in the United Pentecostal Church. My children are fourth generation United Pentecostal. The United Pentecostal Church is my heritage. And, I thank God for that heritage.
I am 47 years old. I have been preaching this Gospel for almost 27 years. My whole life has been invested in ministry. I do not want the attitude of Cain, Balaam, or Korah. And I trust that those of us who do have differing opinions are not branded in one of those three categories. I do feel that this is the case at times, which is why many men have felt that they no longer can be a part of this wonderful organization.
I have a number of concerns today. These concerns are not my concerns alone. Many ministers that I personally have spoken with are voicing the same concerns that I have. I have found that I do not even need to voice these concerns; they are voiced without any persuasion whatsoever. And, because the Tennessee District has been branded through the years as a "loose" District, I will be quick to say that it is not only Tennessee brethren, but also brethren from outside the Tennessee District. Furthermore, I would line the Tennessee District alongside most Districts and I believe that we would measure up with and perhaps even surpass many Districts where Doctrine & separation from the world is concerned. The fact is I am not speaking for them, only for myself.
A major concern that I have is the unbelievable emphasis that is placed on the "Manual" of the United Pentecostal Church by some. I personally do not believe the Manual to be inspired by God. There may be certain things in the Manual, such as Scripture quoted that is inspired by God, but the Manual as a whole, I do not believe to have been inspired by God. I do not believe the Manual has the power to save me or anyone else. I think extreme caution should be set forth by any religious organization, even our beloved United Pentecostal Church, where it comes to insisting that men and women form, fashion, and live their lives according to every jot and tittle of a man made dogma or creed. Then if they do not, they are ostracized, or even worse, made to feel that they probably aren't even saved. I do marvel at hours spent at authoring another resolution and another resolution and another resolution, many times just for the sake of having resolutions, then the sometimes hours spent in making decisions on those resolutions. Please do not misunderstand me - the administration of the UPCI must be kept up to date and we must make needed changes in the varied departments of the UPCI as times change. I do support those needed changes as they come about. I do not believe, however, that the "Manual" is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. I'm sure some in our organization would consider the statement I just made blasphemous, and, that saddens me. On the other hand, and let me make this perfectly clear, I do believe that certain things were put in the Manual that were and do remain words of Godly wisdom.