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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-30-2008, 01:18 PM
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Re: We Must Rethink A Few Things

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
If you will recall how the Apostolic movement (as we know it) pulled out of the AOG in 1915 (if I recall the date) it was not over a mundane resolution that did not affect anyone's salvation as does the codified doctrine of Trinity.

The Oneness (New Issue) men that walked out of the Conference in Arkansas did not walk out until it was seen that there was ABSOLUTELY no way to further work within the structure after the doctrine of the Trinity was firmly ensconced within its creed. Even then, some still tried.

They had been preaching the Oneness message within the AOG for many months, far and wide, drawing converts to the message until at last, there was not more possible way to work within the AOG.

Their exit was a godly, gentlemanly, friendly and humble way that the gang of Tulsaites would do well to imitate. Even after their exit, they continued their efforts to reach out to their Trinitarian "bretheren" with love for decades afterwards.
And some of you talk about us Pentecostals revising history! My good friend you obviously need to go back and take Pentecostal History 101 again. When the Oneness brethren left the AOG it was NOT a friendly exit.

Lets look at some comparisons:

The AOG officially voted, making the doctrine of the trinity the official stand of the organization, thus forcing all of its members to align themselves with said doctrine if not by actual belief, certainly by affiliation.

The UPCI officially voted to allow TV advertising and broadcasting making it the official stand of the organization, thus forcing all of its members to align themselves with said stand if not by actual belief, certainly by affiliation.

The OP's (1915) took a stand for oneness doctrine and against trinitarian heresy.

The WPF has taken a stand for Doctrines of Holiness/Sanctification/Separation and against compromise

The Op's left and formed several groups each of which preached; Oneness theology, repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and the in-filling of the Holy Ghost. They also taught Holiness/Sanctification/Separation.

The Leadership of the WPF left to form a new group whose purpose is to perpetuate the preaching of Oneness theology, repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and the in-filling of the Holy Ghost, while maintaining a strong stand on Holiness/Sanctification/Separation.

When the OP's departed the AOG, they vehemently tried to persuade other brethren to join them, and were persecuted for doing so, and charged with being not only unethical, and power hungry, but heretical as well.

The WPF leaders and those who are following them have been accused of being unethical, power hungry, and in some cases heretical because of their Separation doctrine. (And they have not "vehemently" tried to get others to follow, they simply sent out invitations.)

The OP's exit was, as you termed it, "godly, gentlemanly, friendly and humble" exit........on their part. But it was not viewed as such from the other side. They were accused of bringing division to the "Body of Christ," and while they attempted to reach out to the "brethren" they were scandalized and cut off by those who did not agree with them doctrinally.

The WPF has in some manner, as you stated, repeated history. They have taken a stand for biblically held doctrinal beliefs, they have departed, and formed another group, they have been accused of bringing division to the "Body of Christ," and while they have consistently stated their love for and willingness to work with their "brethren," they are being scandalized by those who do not agree with them.

Respectfully Submitted
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