Originally Posted by Coonskinner
I was a member of the General Youth Divisionuntil this past May when I aged out.
As such, I have been very reticent to speak of the issue that is now being discussed.
But the pictures that surfaced showed considerably more than just some upper arms.
I think it is a travesty that this young lady, whom none of us posting probably know personally, became the subject of debate on an internet forum.
This, however, would never have been the case had the powers that be done a little more homework.
As cool as some might think it is that this young lady is in the Hollywood industry, most of us in the grassroots really don't want that lifestyle and direction portrayed as the example we want our kids pursuing.
I choose to trust in God's grace and her pastor's wisdom, as well as the process of time and maturity and the working of the Holy Ghost to lead this young lady in days to come. She has no doubt been subject to pressures and influences that we would have a hard time fathoming. Hopefully things will work out for her.
Having said that, given the controversial and very public nature of her lifestyle, she might not have been the best choice for a youth congress testimony.
agreed Coonskinner.
I hope she NEVER finds one of these Apostolic forums where she has been debated/attacked.
Wonder how you'd feel Melody if one your rants caused the girl to turn her back towards the Apostolic church?
THIS IS A LITTLE GIRL WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. Let her grow in her relationship with God.