Originally Posted by embonpoint
And this harms you, how? This affects the harvest in your field. how?
If these men fellowship together, preach truth, support missions, have revival, refrain from speaking evil of the UPC, then why do you care?
To date the only accusations I have seen have come from leadership on one side of this issue. I have read that the WPF "will come to naught" but have not seen in any of the WPF materials the "leave the UPC now because it is on the road to perdition" quote you use.
Maybe you can point me to where on their website or mail outs anything negative is said about the UPCI?
Bash the UPCI?! They wouldn't be so blatant, but sectarian?! That's another issue.
From the WPF site...
"The Preamble of the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship is an articulation of its general intent and purpose. The formation of WPF is an outgrowth of the changing times and directions within the North American apostolic movement and is the
result of a constellation of events and decisions which have shaped apostolic direction for some time—some, we fear, for the worse, and ours hopefully for the better."
In other words, our way is the better way...'we' are right and 'they' are wrong.
Strange isn't it?! The only 'us' and 'them' that used to go on was between 'us' and Trinitarians.
And this...
"WPF is an honest attempt to embrace and work with any and all
authentic Apostolics..."
Who are the authentic Apostolics?!
Who is qualified to make that distinction?!
Listen...one of the wives of the Tulsa Six spoke to a friend of mine in her church and said, "You know who your friends are!!"
So if folks disagree with them, they are no longer firends?!
They drew the line here...