First things first. IMO!!! My first responsibility is to the people of the church. THE PEOPLE!!!! Not the preacher, not the choir director, not the keyboard player, THE PEOPLE!!!!. That being said, I know what you are thinking, "how can you take care of the congregation if you don't take care of the platform first?" The platform needs to understand they are there for the people as well. No be in from of people doing your best American Idol routine. I believe in quality over quantity. If you have good quality the quantity will come too. I do not like feedback (the ringing kind) or roars. If you are a singer or musician and your selfishness is taking away from the quality then we have a problem.
I have been in churches where they had out ear plugs to people who complain. That is crazy!!! Get the sound right and you won't run people out. My services run anywhere from 95db to 102db when things are jumping. It's not piercing or annoying because there is an understanding. The people come first. Trust the soundman to put you out there the best he can. In the end he will be blamed no matter what so let him do the job no strings attached. I can't stand people who think the soundman is their personal knob turner to make them sound like Celine Dion or Yanni on the keyboard. It's church people not a flipping concert. Get your heart where it needs to be and let the soundman handle the rest.