Originally Posted by Pig Pen
Such an open insult on anyones integrity ought to be beneath you.
I would still bet the farm on WWOD. He is much more intellectually smart than Dan and a more astute poster when it comes to getting to the heart of the issue. The main problem with him is that most folks cannot keep up with how quickly his mind is working.
WWOD? HEART of the matter? more like the king of circular logic!
I had a lot more in common with WWOD as it relates to Doctrine, than i do with Daniel that is for sure, but both these cats had a serious flaw in their posting.
WWOD talked in circles and Daniel would repeat the same tired argument after it had been dispatched until his enemy just left. I guess he tought if you repeat a bad argument enough it will become a good one.
in the end, the two of them are kind of like the two snakes that ate each other from the tail end. it starts off in a nasty circle, and eventually they just dissappear in all that snarl and fury.
In real life, I suspect both are great men. on a board like this... well.... uhm... uhhh..... hmmm......