First, a church can be informed but before the meeting ... a pastor has a window ... to exert influence as to alienate the church's decision ....
but that's not at the heart of the issue ....
To make this thread about the procedural issue of disaffiliation is to miss it entirely. We are speaking about the ethical commitment ministers and pastors made when they agreed to enter the fellowship.
They agreed not only to the AS and Fundamental doctrine ... but also to the teachings/positions of the fellowship, it's bylaws and guidelines.
Will those leaving or considering leaving act ethically as to the underlined portion below:
2007 Manual Page 159
Position Papers/Ministerial Code of Ethics
ends with...
"Having accepted a pastorate, I will not use my influence to alienate the church or any portion thereof from the fellowship or support of the United Pentecostal Church International. If my convictions change, I will be honorable enough to withdraw."
Were the calls by some ministers to protest/boycott organizational divisions with their offerings unethical as stated in the fellowship's teaching/position for ministerial ethics?
Are those unhappy w/ the "change of direction" of the org and promoting alienation/division violating their commitments made when they applied for their license by not simply and honorably withdrawing?
Yes, tv is a conviction dear to some ... but weren't their commitments not to adversely influence or contend towards the disunity of the faith
also convictions?
Have some poisoned their congregations w/ anti-org rhetoric from the pulpit? Is there strong-arming by some being used to influence departure?
These are just some of the ethical commitments made by those applying for license with the fellowship:
[This is a current application for a local license]
Isn't part of the teaching of the church this position paper on ethical and honorable departure?
Are those considering a concerted departure avoiding the breaking of the unity of the Spirit in the assemblies?
Have they refrained from speaking evil, critical and contentious words about anyone in their fellowship? What have they done to work towards peace and harmony? And have they been cooperating w/ all efforts of the organization?