Originally Posted by Rhoni
For Miss Brattified: This is the quotes of RRFPRD and you tell me if you think it is personal or about the subject of studying psychology...
Not unlike the majority of yours or anyone else' who have started a thread...
Read the disclaimer on the thread...I never claimed to be the AFF counsleor...this is where you push your own agenda...
The last three churches I have been a member of, including the present one...I do counsleing in...so I am not sure why you think I have no place to practice...again your own agneda to make others think a lie.
You know nothing of my ability to counsel! Again wanting others to believe a lie.
Personal details of everyone's life is posted along with pictures on the thread...shall we name names? Is there ar eason why I am singled out...maybe you have issues with me?
Have I ever pointed out your deficiencies? I don't know you and know nothing of your ability or lack of ability to counsel but you know so much about mine...go figure...
This is a bold faced lie...I am all about the spirit moving in people's lives. You have told a lie about me...
ANOther lie
You again have told an untruth - you know nothing of my past ministry or my present ministry!
And which relationship would that be? You trying to tell more stories?peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, aka..lies
And you are my judge? Who died and made you God?
Now if anyone cannot see this was a personal attack then you are deluded and believe a lie!
Sister. You are letting them get to you. Let them think and believe what they want.
A heart specialist studies the heart. A psychologist studies the mind. There is nothing wrong with counseling and I have known churches, including UPCs that have on staff a professional counselor.
That doesn't mean though that I buy into the whole psychological field of study, but clearly it's NOT evil to counsel someone for their problems and it would be even more advantageous to do so from a biblical perspective