Originally Posted by Timmy
If you were to discover at some point that the best internet filters were no longer good enough -- the technology can't keep up with the purveyors of filth who try to break through -- would you strengthen your beliefs and add the internet to the list of Don'ts?
Yeah, I would.
Does nothing ever get through, even now? If a few things get by, how many is too many?
I have'nt had anything inapropriate come through in so long I can't remember.
The only exeption being one email adress I had, started getting spam usualy along the lines of credit card offers, insurance quotes and other anoying junkmail. It then recieved two offers to "enlarge your ...... size" so I shut down the account, and no longer use that provider. My filters filtered out everything but the text, but still, I dont want that crud in my house.
If it got to a point where it was not controlable, I would certainly stop using it.