Originally Posted by bishoph
While I understand where you are coming from, I disagree somewhat. It is the good news of the Gospel that reveals the disparity of mankind. The preaching of Christ (Good News) is what brings an individual to the realization of their need for him. My assertion that doctrine is not to be preached comes from two things. First the absence of of any command to preach "doctrine" in scripture while their are repeated commands to preach the Gospel. Secondly at least 2/3 of the references to preaching in the NT either directly or indirectly have to do with the Gospel.
I also would challenge you to show me where the Apostle preached anything other than the Gospel. The epistles were letters of instruction (teaching) not sermons preached.
Overall I think you may have missed the whole point of my post which is balance. A church with no doctrine will be a worldly carnal church, and a church with only doctrine will be dry, dead, and legalistic.
Peter, in
Acts 2, Peter boldly accused his listeners of killing Christ. BTW, why did Peter have them to repent????? Of what? Without a knowledge of sin repentance is meaningless. What did he use for Scripture? The Old Testament?
As far as to your challenge you yourself assert that only 2/3rds of the preaching in the NT has to do with the gospel. What about the other third???
Trust me. It is apparent that the majority that post here don't have much knowledge of basic doctrine.