The cover story of TIME this week is about everything that has gone wrong with the new Osprey aircraft that the Marines are sending to Iraq this month. It's amazing how the media can put a twist to the truth. If you read it, please keep in mind that this is only one side to the argument. The Osprey program is like a political football!
As I have mentioned on AFF a few times, my son is one of the main leaders of the Osprey maintenance crew. They are sending ten Ospreys with 6 maintenance men per unit. My son will be in charge of one of the shifts of 30 men.
His unit has left to head towards Iraq as of yesterday. The time of arrival, their travel itinerary, and their destination is top secret at this time.
How the Osprey fairs in actual combat will be heavily scrutinized by political groups, the politicians, and the military itself. The Marines want this aircraft very badly because of the potential uses and tactical advantages it would give to a strike force.
My son is confident that the "birds" will perform magnificently. He told me that his unit, the very first Osprey unit established, will be the "guinea pigs". The aircraft will be tested in various real combat situations.
When you hear about the Osprey in the news, remember my son and his crew. Pray that they do their jobs well and the Osprey is a success!