Originally Posted by OneAccord
I agree. Before Phillip baptized the Ethiopian, he taught him about baptism. Before Peter baptized on the day of Pentecost, the converts were instructed about baptism. Before Paul baptized the 12 Ephesian brothers, he instructed them about baptism. I think the phrase "strike when the iron is hot" is misapplied here. New converts are usually caught up in enthusiam and express a desire to be baptized without understanding the purpose and significance of baptism. Usually, those who are baptized without some very basic instruction don't last very long. I think they should be instructed as to the purpose of baptism and what is expected of them once they are baptized.
'Course that might cut down on the number we baptize, but with some basic instuction, those who are baptized are likely to last.
Some great points here.
And truthfully, I don't even really see that there would be any fewer being baptized. What's a few minutes instruction going to cost?
Are they going to walk out while we take a few moments to explain the significance of what is about to happen?
To want to baptized them so quickly that you can't afford a few minutes to open the word to them and explain what is about to occur seems to built on fear rather than faith... to me at least.