"LABELS" - Why not just be Christians?
Many, many years ago during my early teen years, I began to notice terms like "liberal" and "conservative" being used to describe my friends and family. I went to a very wise Father with questions and had many, many, many discussions about this..... Dad was very adamant that we would not label others nor label OURSELVES! He quoted an author that he had read (I don't remember the name)... that had made the statement.... "WHY NOT JUST BE CHRISTIANS". Not only should we not label others, but that we should not include ourselves in this mentality. Thank you Dad for your wise counsel.... I STILL JUST WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN AND BE PART OF THE KINGDOM. (... and hope that I can be a true, consistent friend to all, regardless of labels.... we don't have to agree on everything -- sometimes we can agree to disagree (another Dad quote!) -- and then find something else to talk about.)
Incidently.... a couple of years ago at Camp Meeting, I heard the speaker say, "When the liberals think you're conservative and the conservatives think you're liberal, you are probably right on!"