Originally Posted by chosenbyone
I can't believe I'm still up, but since I am, I must chime in on this subject. There aren't many occasions that I could totally agree with my more conservative brethren but this would be an exception.
You were asked some direct questions regarding your part in winning souls for the kingdom to which you didn't answer. These brethren that you are so quick to dismiss are the ones doing just that....winning souls. I don't want to come across as too harsh on you, but I have heard this rhetoric before from people that have no track record for soul winning.
I didn't graduate from a UPCI or any other Apostolic college. Additionally, I was never license as a minister. That should never be used as an excuse for not being a vessel that Jesus can use to reach the lost.
We as Christians should have a burdened for the lost and act accordingly. We are the hands and feet and the example of Christ on earth and we are equipped to bring the good news of salvation to all that would receive and plant the seeds for those that reject the message.
I have won many to Christ and I feel that I haven't won enough. I won souls while never holding a meeting/revival, I just witnessed and worked in any capacity for Christ that I could. I labored in hospices for years and saw many saved one by one. I witnessed to neighbors, co-workers and gave bible studies...one by one. If you feel enough isn't being done to reach the lost then go out and win a soul...one by one.
If the Lord appoints and anoints you to be another Billy Cole and go off to a foreign land where tens of thousands receive the Holy Ghost in one meeting, well to God be the glory. Until then, respect those that labor in the fields and don't negate what they contribute to the kingdom.
I need to go to bed for I am getting bit too honest. No offense brother, I just got frustrated reading what you wrote, because the same brethren 15 years ago that made similar "constructive" criticism have never grown and excepted responsibility for their part in soul winning.
I don't think you're getting what I'm saying...
and the way you are taking it I understand you taking offense at it... but that's not how I'm meaning it...