Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve
I've been away for a while - due to a new job and a major change in schedule - so I apologize if this has already been addressed.
Today I had some time to catch up with some friends of mine (licensed ministers) and am more than a little disappointed with what I've heard. I've asked more than one about it and they've all confirmed the same.
I'm sickened by this. Completely disgusted.
Apparently, in a manner of protesting the sinful '07 NAYC, several Pastors are either withholding or significantly lessening the amount of their SFC offerings this year.
If you're a Pastor who is thinking about doing this, would you mind explaining what in the world you feel this will accomplish? Please, by all means, state why you think you should punish the ministries and people that are supported by SFC simply because of your childish tantrum over what happened at NAYC this year. Help me understand why you feel Tupelo, Lighthouse Ranch, Home and Foreign Missionaries, Bible Quizzing and other District events should pay for what happened at NAYC.
This is as stupid as Democratic Senators/Representatives blocking or withholding funds from the troops because they don't support the war.
Doing this does nothing but hurt and possibly permanently injure the ministries or other people that SFC supports. You sure you want to be a part of that? You sure God would honor your tantrum and attitude of "well, I'll make them pay for what happened . . . "
How dare these men. If they follow through with their threats, they'll have to answer to God for their ridiculous selfishness and arrogance. I cannot imagine God approving of this kind of attitude and action.
Any Pastor here on AFF thinking about making this kind of a childish statement?
JMO Sick . . . just sick.
If this is true, I wonder what the pastor would say to a saint who withheld tithes and offerings because they didn't like the sermon he preached?
My guess is that the pastors response to that situation would be much different.
"Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"