Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Years ago a couple of preachers came by where I was pastoring and invited me to go to Hammond, In. and see how Jack Hoyles grows his church. They were excited. I asked "Do you mean Jack Hoyles the Southern Baptist preacher?" The answer was excitedly in the affirmative. I said you must be kidding right? They looked shocked. My answer was the same about him. Jack Hoyles is NOT a member of the Lord's Church how could he tell anyone how to build an Apostolic church? With all these mega churches with their formulas and programs I am NOT the least bit impressed. The reason diamonds are so valuable is that they are NOT laying by the side of the road everywhere. Quaint is NOT necessarily Quality. If you have a million and none of them are saved what have you accomplished?
So the mega church of Jerusalem, in the first century, with its 70,000 members doesn't impress you?
I do understand how it is overwhelming that a church could be true and be that large. It must also be overwhelming to know the huge task that the few little Apostolic churches have to accomplish reaching the whole world with the 'true' gospel.