Interesting......What changed?
I am reading Sis. Pauline Gruse's autobiography from her early days in Liberia where she ministered for years. My inlaws worked with her there in the fifties. She actually died once when struck by lightning and was dead for a long while. My FIL prayed for her and she was raised from the dead. She testifies about it in the book.
Anyway, interestingly enough, in the forties when she first went over there, her first missionary journey into the bush (walking for days and days), she went with Assembly of God missionaries who were stationed near her. She was sent by a Oneness Pentecostal group. Her statement in the book says,
"With the heavy emphasis placed on the operation of a mission school, doctrinal differences were somewhat overlooked in those early days, and a strong rapport prevailed among most Protestant missionaries." They actually were allowed to go and minister together!!
WHAT HAPPENED since that time?