Honestly, I would not want my daughter to wear the formal attire that Miss Kathleen was wearing. I know boys, I'm one of them and I'm friends with lots of them. I wouldn't want my daughter to be ogled by some flesh pot. She's beautiful enough as it is, she doesn't need the extra attention---trying to keep her unmarried until 30---However, we know nothing about this girl. Were the photos taken recently? Were the photos taken before a serious commitment to the Lord in the past year? Are her parents committed to church?
I had someone tell me they overheard a conversation of people from another UPC church criticizing a lady from our church who is the SS director about what she had on in a public setting. I will address the issue, but I thought to myself, "these people don't have a clue." First she is one of the finest Christians in our church. Second she loves Sunday School b/c thats how she got into church. Someone picked her up every Sunday. Nobody in her family is saved except her daughter. Third she lives in almost a daily hell at home with an unsaved husband.
Do those people have a clue of what kind of Christian/perspon she is? NO. They simply want to cast stones at her for what the deemas inappropriate attire. When I address it, I will bet my life there was nothing immodest or inapproriate about her attire, it just probably went against someone's traditional ways of drawing lines. She is a Christian in every sense of the word, a lady, humble and God-fearing. I love her and think the world of her. If someone is going to judge her by a moment of time they observed---they are barking up the wrong tree. She may very well stand in judgment of these same people on that day.
My point is, lets be very careful we don't make broad assumptions based on a few pictures, hearsay and ideas we have about people in the arts and entertainment industry.
If she were not a godly example, I am sure Bro Davis would have opposed her being on the platform at NAYC. He's a good man with a long and proven reputation. Lets just trust her pastor on this one folks!
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.