Ever Get that Feeling that some of your "Friends" are only your "Friends" based on...
What you do for them?
It is an empty feeling... and sad...
Some are "Friends" based only on the fact that you can do something for them...
Some are "Friends" but never call, or communicate...
Some are "Friends" only if you'll come to their church and "help" them...
There are some friends I have that have been a great blessing in my life... They call, email and care. We communicate regularly... and I appreciate it..
Friendship is a Two-Way Street.. in turn I call, email and communicate...
But Good Friends are hard to come by... There are those here on AFF who I have come to know and appreciate...
But sadly many "friends" who I have know for years just like me for what I can do for them... and if I'm not doing something for them... I don't hear from them...
Truthfully... I can't stand folks like that....
How Bout' You??