Originally Posted by Coonskinner
I have never met a preacher who believed a woman had to stay with a man who was physically abusing her, and I have talked to a bunch of them about the subject.
I file this one right along with the one about fat Pentecostals.
In surveys done with Christian pastors, the vast majority say that they would never tell a woman in abuse to stay. On the flip side, Christian women in abusive situations who left felt they were not supported by their churches or pastors. I think there are a number of reasons for this. I think it is a very complex subject. I think the majority of Christian pastors want to support women in abusive situations, but when it comes down to the brass tacks, there is a failure to support. I think that is an unfortunate reality. I am not blaming this dynamic on a lack of trying in most people....I think most people really mean well, but just don't know what to do.
The bottom line is that I think you loathe pastors who would tell women in abusive situations to stay just as much as I do. But, as you yourself said, it does happen.