Originally Posted by OP_Carl
I didn't ask you.
Here's a slippery slap:
OP_C, let me say that on this subject I fall very much in the middle. (how is that???)
I do not wear a ring, watch, pin in the pocket. I dont have a money clip or any other object that men might carry. I dont even have a tie tack.
my wife wears both a wedding ring and a watch. we did not have rings in our wedding or any other token. when we moved to this location our new pastor told me to get my wife a ring. he said it was something she needed for protection and to aviod being hit on.
I obeyed his wish. My wife did see guys hitting on her stop.
im not trying to argue any scripture listed here. but that notion of a slippery sloap is nonsense. My wife as 1 ring and 1 watch. she has never wanted any other form of jewlery. there is no slippery sloap.