Originally Posted by Steve Epley
I teach against rings period on the hand-ears-toes-nose. Rings are jewelry which those passages you cite says NOT to wear. Since i have no idea how much I could possibly wear and not be in violation of the principle of this passage I wear none.
Then the wedding ring itself is pagan in nature and was christianized by the Roman church thus it is not pleasing to the Lord. Rome is not only the Mother of Harlots, she is also the Mother of Abominations.
I realize jewelry was suffered in the OT as was polygamy-divorce-vengence-etc. but in times of consecration both personally and nationally they ridded themselves of their jewelry. Jewelry has a long association with Idolatry & pride in Scripture datign back to the fall of Lucifer.
NO Apostolic child of God should wear ornamental jewelry and every true man of God should teach against it.
Most of the time I like to jab at you just for kicks...But Bro...The bolded part smells of arrogance, judgementalism and pride!
So are you saying that those that wear wedding rings are not apostolic and men that do not preach against are not "True Men of God"
CAN I THROW UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you wear a watch???????
Guess what...its ornamental jewelry!!!!!
I dont care how plain or leather band whatever...its still ornamental jewelry.
YOU cannot get around that fact.
Ill Quote you...."Since i have no idea how much I could possibly wear and not be in violation of the principle of this passage I wear none.
Since you have no idea what kind of watch to wear and not be in violation of scripture then I assume you wear none at all.
If not you are a hypocrite and once again preaching a bunch of legal poppey cock just to fit your stand.
If you dont wear a watch...I retract my statement.
The above mention scriptures are NOT...NOT...NOT a forbiddence of jewelry, they are simply saying dont let your "Gold" make you who you are...let it me the inward heart!!!!!!!!
We could go around on this all day!
But I would HOPE you are smart enough to actually not believe that ONLY men of God preach against wedding rings.