Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
I know they don't teach going deeper into the Word at VBST ...
by what the hay ... I'll give it a try.
Once again we've allowed a word in the KJV to dictate doctrine.
The KJV used the word increase to deal specifically what the Hebrew writer meant as what comes out of the ground .... it is not income but product.
Keep in my mind not all that is produced is net income.
NASB says:
Deut: 14:22
"You shall surely tithe all the produce from what you sow, which comes out of the field every year.
or )Jr T)Jr (t Kl-TbW(t zr)j hYc( hJdh $nh $nh
The transliterated word is:
produce, product, revenue - product, yield, crops (of the earth usually)
Which is why it is called increase.
One plants... one waters... God gives the increase.
A wage is compensation..
As a matter of fact not only is there no scriptural evidence that anyone ever paid a tithe on their wage... there is even no evidence that anyone ever paid a tithe on their fishing... because they went out and worked to bring them.
A cow that grazed on your land and had another calf was increase given by God.
And... even in that instance... if you had an increase of 9 calves there was no tithe. It was the tenth calf that passed under the rod that was marked as the tithe.