Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Elder ... my Dad put his life, sweat, tears and even ignored his own personal health for the Kingdom and the sheep he loved. No one is asking a pastor to take an oath of poverty ... but to ask them to be fiscally responsible and show moderation is not too much to ask ... since it is what they also demand of their saints ...
for most of his ministry dad was bi-vocational ... working as a pastor and an x-ray technician .... mom worked full-time since age 16 ....
Dad did not take all of the tithe ... and is was his right ... he chose to take a moderate salary which pales to the income most ministers w/ smaller churches flaunt... the rest of the church revenue was invested into the work of God locally, nationally and internationally and some saved ... for many years .... allowing the church to purchase a building next door prior to his death w/o putting unnecessary strain of the flock.
The scenario Jeff brings up is poignant and indicative of the mentality some in the ministry have ... the fictitious minister of this church would be irresponsible to take all of this tithe ... and not invest it in a church that apparently needs resources and an influx of ideas and resources.
Dan your father's story is the story of most Pentecostal preachers I have known. We ONLY seem to notice when the tide turns and they are financially secure. If a man paid me 8 million dollars in tithe what could I do with 8 million dollars. For me to horde it with missionaries in need and home missionaries in need and evangelists that need help and poor saints that need assisstance no way. However turn the page suppose a saint recieved this???
Would you expect them to give away every nickle. Most of the saints would expect them to make their families secure for life I say what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I KNOW what I would do BECAUSE I know what I have done.