Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Has anyone besides me noticed the ONLY worry seems if the preacher has too much NEVER if he has too little????????????????????????
Most pastors I have known have sacrificed for years and done without and their families did without and was glad to do it for the Kingdom and no one ever fusses about the suits-shirts-dresses they bought at Goodwill, the retread tires on their cars, the fund raising their wives did. The jobs these pastors held down while trying to build a church. The puttting in of their last nickle to make sure a church bill was paid or an evangelist-missionary got a decent offering. How their car became the church bus. Some lived in the church building itself for a season.
But let the same man who laboured and struggled to bring a church to where it is financially strong-nice sanctuary-etc. And the man start to enjoy some of the fruit of his labour and he is a money hungry preacher looking out for number one. NOT trying to pat my self on the back but I have paid saints' rent-utility bills-car payments-paid for their children to go to youth camps. I don't know any saints that have done the same for other saints except in very rare cases.
But I am suppose to feel crooked or not a good steward if I buy a suit off the rack or my wife buys a new dress that really wasn't on sale, or my house is a decent home to live in? My car doors stay closed without baling wire?
I did not take the oath of poverty though I am willing to live on what God gives me no matter how less it is without complaint I have proved that to God and myself. But I also am going to be thankful and enjoy the good times God has let come my way. Remember ONE message or ONE church problem can change everything overnight.
Good post, Brother Epley.
I keep remembering the story you told about the carpet in your house back on AFF. Amazing at how people can be.