Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Excellent post. I don't think I can agree with it NOT starting in the Garden of Eden. But you bring up an excellent point. Eve is in perfection, as we teach, yet she is also carnal and goes against what God said or what Adam relayed to her that God said. It doesn't matter how she knew, she knew and didn't obey after listening to the Serpents enticing way of making her feel she could have more than what she had.
Why and how could that happen in Eden? Does it mean that Satan is able, here and now, to override our thoughts and feelings - to a certain extent?
We have the power of choice, but we can be influenced by Satans voice or God's voice.
Granted Satan is not a gentleman at all.
One old Prophet said that God Leads & Satan pushes!
Also, don't forget, we have a flesh that is still fallen flesh that is "prone" to sin.
I guess the real question is this,
"How crucified is our flesh?"