Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
Where should I move to ?
It all begins with a change of attitude. Your past does not define your future, all around you there are folks, not as smart as you that are making lots of money. If you don't have your finances in order already, get Dave Ramsey's book, "Total Money Makeover" and follow it without fail and you will get out of debt. Then follow his plan into wealth building, it is a simple plan, and it will show you where the problems are, with clear guidance forward.
The problem is too many will say, "That just won't work in my situation." That is a lie, it will work. Go for it, Bro.
You either have a spending problem, or an income problem, that's it! It is God's will that we "prosper and be in health" I don't care what the fearful and unbelieving have to say about it. No where in scripture is poverty glorified.