Originally Posted by revrandy
What I don't understand is when Hollywood does things Biblical and creates or recreates something from the Word of God we justify something sacred and make it a joke or funny and then call it harmless...
How can taking something like the Noah from the Sacred Book in which many people died on that day and watch it in good conscience and call it Christian Friendly... I don't get that...
and yet we haven't seen a humorous movie on the holocaust which also costs thousands their lives.. but we wouldn't call that funny..
I just can't see how folks could justify a Comical Hollywood protrayal of a Biblical Event that wasn't funny at the time..
It just shows how shallow and sickening the reasoning folks use to justify themselves and still call themselves Christian...
I can certainly appreciate Humor but not when it degrades the Word of God to just another Fairy Tale...
but of course I'm not that enlightened or free...
Rev. Randy, all the movie is trying to accomplish is to show that everyone has a purpose. As Noah had a purpose, Evan had a purpose. As John had a purpose Rev. Randy has a purpose. God asks us to do hard thing, but yet gives us the ability to do them when we thought that our strength was not enough.
I thought the same thing that you did before I saw "Bruce Almighty." I was impressed because it was a good movie that is basic purpose was to show that no one can be God. With "Evan Almighty" it was very aparent what Chaotic said. At times is was preachy. No cursing. Nothing that I would deem as tongue and cheek. It was a really good family movie.
I think that since we in the UPC have seem things through man made "can't do" glasses it gives us a false sense of what is reality. The thought may be that these types of movies are outta line and sacreligious. But the reality is that the movie and others like it have a great message.
I know you won't, but if you watched it in context you would see way more good than anything that could be thought of as bad. Good movie, really funny.