Originally Posted by mizpeh
When you say Jesus if fully human and fully God, what exactly do you mean by that? Are you talking about "the person of the Son" or are you talking about the man, Jesus Christ, who the disciples walked and talked with?
I mean that Jesus, with regard to His divinity, is fully God and that Jesus, with regard to His humanity, is fully human. Unlike the Cappadocian fathers, however, I don't try to commingle or intermix the two natures (though they are united in hypostatic union). I agree with the following Christological statement except for the use of the phrase "copies of their natures," preferring simply "their natures":
But our faith in the dispensation of Christ should also be in a confession of two natures of Godhead* and manhood, none of us venturing to introduce mixture, commingling, or confusion into the distinctions of those two natures. Instead, while Godhead remains and is preserved in that which belongs to it, and manhood in that which belongs to it, we combine the copies of their natures in one Lordship and one worship because of the perfect and inseparable conjunction which the Godhead had with the manhood. If anyone thinks or teaches others that suffering and change adhere to the Godhead of our Lord, not preserving - in regard to the union of the parsopa^ of our Savior - the confession of perfect God and perfect man, the same shall be anathema. (Synod of Mar Aqaq, AD 486)
*Godhead is an archaic term for "godhood" or the state of being God.
^This is the Aramaic equivalent of the Greek word prosopon.