In respect to Epelys post...herein lies the problem.
They preach the outward donts so hard that the person questions it all when the questioning begins. Just remember this...the
Acts 2:38 message is the new birth...water and spirit. Please from my soul dont question that.
I am sorry if your experience with the UPC was one of such that would make you consider throwing it all away. That is sad.
Remember are a child of God....the Bible plan of salvation made you that.....HOLD ON TO THAT!
As far as the other stuff.......let it go...get your Bible...get alone with God...listen to the voice of conviction and let it mold and shape your holiness...not a pulpit!
Listen to your Pastor...then pray and ask God. Dont obey him out of fear or intimidation...but listen and pray. far as your comment...standards first.....doctrine answer is simple...IF you guys would quit corrupting truth with your rules, regulations, dogmas, creeds and man made nonsence and quit preaching it like its part of the cross, and the new birth message and let the Holy Ghost do its thing....they would not question it.
BUT when they see the light of some of this nonsence it causes them to question the whole ball of wax....WE are guilty of the questioning...not them...US!