What do you mean by "ethnic Jews"? Do you mean "ethnic The-People-Today-Called-Jews"? Or do you mean "the people actually descended from Jacob"?
The book is about what the rest of the Bible is about - God redeeming and delivering Israel from their enemies through the Messiah, leading to the reformation of all humanity and the restoration of things to the way they were intended.
The enemy presented in Revelation is a dragon, a beast from the sea, a beast from the earth, a harlot, the kings of the earth, the merchants of the earth, imposters who claim to be Jews, false apostles and teachers in the church, the general population of the wicked, and the spiritual forces motivating all these things.
The beast from the earth is a two horned lamb-like beast, it looked like a lamb but spake as a dragon. This is the entity that "causes everyone to receive a mark". This is the Papal Roman power attempting to keep alive and revive the (western) Roman empire, instituting false Christianity (catholicism) and forcing the world into the Roman form of government and society. One might say the beast from the sea is the Roman political power, and the beast from the earth is the Roman religious power, but I think that would be an oversimplification, even if it works in a very generalised sense. It should be noted that the Papacy is an outgrowth of both pagan and Jewish Gnosticism, and has always had a distinctly rabbinical influence (one of the Papal crowns is adorned with the "star of David" aka the seal of Solomon which is straight out of medieval Jewish kaballah, etc).
The harlot is identified as Jerusalem, and clearly represents the apostate Jewish system which is "riding the (Roman) beast", is propped up by it, and which influences the kings of the earth and their subjects to support the Roman beast system. The concept of "Jews" needs to be understood as including both apostate antichristian Israelites of the Judean hierarchy and religio-political system, as well as those imposters (
Revelation 2:9, 3:9) who claim to be Judeans but are not - instead they are the religious antichristian system known as Judaism ("synagogue of satan"), and yes that includes Edomite "Jews" as well as anyone else who adopts the religion of Pharisaism.
There are a lot of players on the field, but ultimately there's only two teams - God's, and satan's.